Monday, 27 July 2009

Online Business Opportunities: 3 Steps To Becoming A Stay-At-Home Mom

In a recent survey that I conducted among working mothers who desire to become stay-at-home mothers, the most overwhelming question was, "How do I work from home and have enough money to pay my bills." Now, you may be saying to yourself "Brian, that's an obvious question!" However, the most obvious questions often have very elusive answers - especially in a fast paced society
like we live in today.

Out of sheer frustration, you turn to the very thing that perplexed you in the first place - the Internet. You type in a search for "Online Business" or "Work From Home," and you are literally bombarded with so much information that your head begins to ache. Yet, after all of your "research," it still seems like you are missing something.

When I started my online business career, I experienced the exact same things. Everytime I purchased a "how-to" product, I was left with more questions than answers; it seemd to be a never ending loop of information overload. In fact, it was so overwhelming that I completely stopped trying to persue online business opportunities for over a year.

Sure, I knew that the internet could provide a very healthy income for my family and me, but at the time, it seemed easier to revert back to doing what was familiar rather than subject
myself to increasing frustration.

Then one day, it dawned on me. Back in the late 90's, I was working for a very large organization in our area and was becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the growing unrealistic expectations and organizational politics. This dissatisfaction drove my swelling entrepreneurial spirit, and I went into business for myself. Now, the key here is how I did it.

While working for that large organization, I started my own business on the side. It took me approximately twelve months to get it to the point that I could quit working for someone else. With this in mind, I simply applied this same principle to developing an online business. Every spare moment that I had was devoted to my online business - even if it meant staying up after the family had gone to bed or getting up before they did. Time became my ally.

Amazingly, unlike a real-world brick-and-mortar business, the power of the Internet allows for much more rapid growth. This means you reach your personal and financial goals a lot sooner. The Internet also allows you to grow with a lot less expense as well.

Here are three steps that I have found most helpful in my online business career:

1. Online Business Step One - Strategize:

This is probably the longest step. An analogy that I love to use involves building askyscraper. If you have ever lived in (or visited) a large city, it is not uncommon to see one or more high rise construction projects taking place at the same time. The common denominator that every successful high rise construction project has is the amount of time, energy, and effort that is placed on laying the foundation. Every engineer knows that the visible structure is only as stable as the foundation it sits upon. The same holds true for starting an online business, you have to place some time, energy, and effort into knowing where you are going and what you are going to do when you get there.

2. Online Business Step Two - Monetize:

This is the step that everyone loves, yet it is the one that most people have problems with. Most people haveproblems with this step because they fail to carry out step #1. Jumping straight to this step is a sure recipe for disaster. By the time you get here, you should have a clear idea of your target market (niche market), the product(s) that they need, how much they are willing to pay, and the general idea of how you are going to deliver this to them. This step is simply for putting all of your plans into action.

3. Online Business Step Three - Systematize:

I love this step because it makes my online business life so much easier. This is where I place my online business on auto-pilot. This step is what allows me to start my next online business. Like I said earlier, most of the effort is in step #1, so once I get to the "Systematize" step, I begin planning my next project.

It's really that simple. It is a three step cycle that will make you a lot of money in your online business if you will simply take the time to learn how to apply it.

Brian Brown makes it easy to start and grow your online business quickly and easily from the comfort of your home. To claim your FREE subscription to the Keep Mommy Home Newsletter ($197 value) visit the Online Business website designed specifically for mothers. Copyright 2005, CBH, PC. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

The Secret to Getting More Business - Increase Your Visibility and Get Known

Would you like more business? There is one thing that can dramatically grow your business -- and very quickly too: Getting recognized! That's right. Visibility is the key to gaining more clients. Read on to discover how you can increase your visibility -- and quickly too.

You may believe that it's hard to become the instantly recognizable expert for what you do. It does take a bit of effort, but it's not rocket science. By making even just a few of the right moves, you too can position yourself in the minds of your perfect clients as the perfect go-to person for what they need. And the best thing? You can do it quickly and without spending a lot of money.

Here's what it takes:

1. Vary your marketing message

Be willing to vary your marketing message slightly and give it voice in different ways. Sorry, once just doesn't cut it. You could turn your marketing message into a question. You can play with the format of how you say it. You could emphasize key words with your voice. Give your creativity free reign and you'll get attention.

Here's an easy way to experiment and expand the ways you verbalize your marketing message: Make a point of using your introduction at networking events to try out different formats. And be sure to keep track of the responses you'll get. Expand on the versions that work, and drop the ones that don't.

2. Be willing to stand out in a crowd

If you're wondering why more people aren't taking you up on your service offers - even a complimentary one - I'm willing to bet you are playing it too safe. Ask yourself these questions:

* Do the people you talk to know you want more new business?
* Do they know who you work best with? Do they know who your ideal customers are?
* Do they know your service firsthand or have they heard or seen testimonials of your service?

Find a way to differentiate yourself from everyone else. Be the purple cow in a see of brown ones.

3. Be willing to specialize

You may believe that specialization will limit your options. That's not how it works. Instead, specialization makes you more sought after. It makes you appear as an expert. And don't worry. You won't be closing doors to opportunities - you'll open them. Take your gift - what makes your service special - and focus on it in your marketing message.

And that's the most important key! You'll get recognize if you specialize. No one remembers all the generic coaches or accountants or consultants. But they do remember the ones that have something very special to offer. Be the special one.

So next time you are talking to someone about your business, be bold in what you stand for, and tell them your specialty. And watch people pay attention.

Saturday, 18 July 2009

The Basics of Starting an Online Business

If you have spent any time searching at all you know that there are hundreds of opportunities to start an online business. But how can you decide which one to choose and which one you would succeed in? What is the difference between network marketing and an affiliate program? How do you weed out the scams? How can you know whether you will succeed in the business?

If you have absolutely no experience with any online business all this can be quite confusing.
First, how do you find a legitimate online business? In order to be an online business some product or service must be provided. There are continually online moneymaking schemes where you simply send a given amount of money to someone somewhere above you in the scheme. Even if these are called gifting schemes to keep them from being illegal, they are not online businesses. They will not legitimately support you for any length of time.

Look for a product or service you genuinely believe in, because you will be using it yourself as well as promoting it online. One way is to select a product category, such as online marketing information or health products and look at all the online businesses you can find that provide that product or service.

There are essentially three different types of online businesses; network marketing, affiliate programs and sales. In a sales business you promote something online that you buy wholesale or make. You then ship it to customers when they buy it. In an affiliate program you market a product or service for the company that produces it and get a commission for each sale. They ship the product. In a network marketing program you promote the product or service and also recruit others to do the same. You then receive a commission on the sales of those you recruited and those they recruited.

Network marketing programs are often the most popular with newcomers because there the upline, or sponsors have a vested interest in your success and are there to help. These systems are set up in a variety of ways so that you may have two or three people in the level below you and may be paid on the sales of differing numbers of levels below that. They also have different ways of handling your recruits once the given number of levels below you fill up. Be sure you understand the system and compensation plan of any online business you are considering.

Another very important aspect of the business is how you will recruit people. In some online businesses recruiting involves several telephone calls to interested prospects. Do not choose a business like this if you have telephone phobia. In other online businesses most people sign up or buy directly from the web site. In still others paid marketers do the sales and signups for you. These are more expensive to get into, for obvious reasons. Select a recruiting and sales style you are comfortable with.
If you are new to online business a very important factor in the selection of a business is the level of support you will receive. Ask about their education program before you put any money down. Many online businesses today offer free education before you even have to put any money down. You can sign up for a free trial period, check out their educational material and then decide if you think you could make money following it. Basically they should teach you how to use advertising, forums, articles, traffic generators, links and Adwords. Some will teach you more than this and some will teach most but not all of these.

When you have found the product, type of business and education you want, sign up for the online business. Then stick with it. Despite many of the advertising claims you have seen, you are highly unlikely to make a fortune overnight. You are even highly unlikely to make a fortune in a month or two. You need to build the business. You can probably get someone to buy from you or sign up from you in two to three weeks, but you will not reach the full potential of the business in that time. Stick with it for at least six months, doing everything you are told by your sponsor or the educational program.

If you have absolutely no results in the first month, talk with your sponsor and find out what you did wrong. If you keep promoting the online business for a few more months and do not see continuing results, seek out one of the many educational programs online that will teach you, independently, to market your home business. Learn all you can from the free sites, then perhaps sign up for paid assistance if you feel you need it.

One estimate is the 1.25 million people are seeking an online business. With a little effective promotion some of these people can be drawn to your site. Persistence pays off. You will make money if you keep promoting and keep learning.